الأربعاء، 14 أبريل 2010

friendship bracelets, your daugter way to act her self

مرسلة بواسطة miia في 1:41 م 1 التعليقات
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my daughter was facing some problems with her class mates, thats when we decided to do some felted friendship bracelets to understand what she want to say and to show them what she can do with her mami and actually that what girls like the most, so let me introduce you to this mini tutorial.

cut the felt 1.5 inch wide and as your kids bracelets size Long

this is the collection that we were working on

this is when we started

part of the collection


more closer, so see yah in next project


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الجمعة، 2 أبريل 2010

mami's red hair band

مرسلة بواسطة miia في 5:18 ص 0 التعليقات
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know its been  along time since i posted any activity, and i know i promised to show you my work on the previous sewing project, and you know all how buisy i am on my study, house, 4 kids and being a good wife to a wonderful hasbans, and i know that you all understand all of that, so every frienday "muslim's weekend" i go to my family, and my daughter desided to wear her new alfet, it was red and i surpricerd her with 10 minutes hair band, so enjoy what i have done,,

c yah

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