الأحد، 11 أكتوبر 2009

back to school cardmaking,,,mami's card to her teachers

مرسلة بواسطة miia في 9:28 ص 1 التعليقات
I like it when someone's mother appreciate her daughter's teacher since I was alittle girl in school, I notice the attentions that this student has from her teacher when her mother show her concerns and send so much activities for the teacher to help on the teaching process. For that purpose, I bought the stuff that I will do it to work on this project. Lets see the details together.


I printed out from the internet a school jumpers and cut it out.to use it as a patterns


I used it on pink paper that look like my daought’s school jumper

I draw a shirt and colored it.

This is how its look like after few adjustments

and this is all the collection that i worked on it with my last touch, see yah


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