الأحد، 11 أكتوبر 2009

back to school cardmaking,,,mami's card to her teachers

مرسلة بواسطة miia في 9:28 ص 1 التعليقات
I like it when someone's mother appreciate her daughter's teacher since I was alittle girl in school, I notice the attentions that this student has from her teacher when her mother show her concerns and send so much activities for the teacher to help on the teaching process. For that purpose, I bought the stuff that I will do it to work on this project. Lets see the details together.


I printed out from the internet a school jumpers and cut it out.to use it as a patterns


I used it on pink paper that look like my daought’s school jumper

I draw a shirt and colored it.

This is how its look like after few adjustments

and this is all the collection that i worked on it with my last touch, see yah

الاثنين، 28 سبتمبر 2009

Bracelets national day

مرسلة بواسطة miia في 12:35 ص 0 التعليقات
Do you remember the post when I bought some beads for my girl’s bracelets’, I was working on them me and my Mami as she was saying “mother daughter crafts” and it was a full day with bracelets’ making.

Here I opened the beads package

Here’s my son jay took the package and run away....

Here’s Miia trying to get the package and run with it too Lo0lz.

And she did it!!

Ok... We talked a lot... Let’s get back to our topic... we sorted the beads by shapes 

Then I brought elastic thread and a thick needle

Leave you with the pics,,

The final work


الجمعة، 25 سبتمبر 2009

Its shopping time

مرسلة بواسطة miia في 5:33 م 1 التعليقات
I was holding some stuff at some wish list of online shopping sites, then I thought of discovering some Dubai craft wholesalers.

It was the third day of Al Eid (Muslim's holy and celebration day), and we were spending the holiday at Al Aqaa Resort in Alfujairah. I told my husband and he like "I don’t think that this lady will stop spending on her stuff". At the end he took me there. I find a lot of stuff I was going to buy but a lot cheaper than the online. I know that its better from the spending side but the problem is the Wholesaler shopping places here in Dubai is a crowded place than any where else, and the parking is hard to be found, and if you thought of going riding a taxi that is more difficult because you want to have a place for your heavy bags and stuff and the taxi won't stick to you unless….!!

back to the shopping, lets show you some pictures...

This is Ric Racs, its cute for the little ones; I took a lot of colors taking advantages of how cheap I found it.

Those some ribbons and some laces cute and colorful., I was going to buy a lot of them but my husband was pushing me all over so I can go out of the shop.

This some stuff for my daughter's bracelets.

 Those some ready made flowers made of fabrics, satins and laces.

Never forget the buttons, I adore buttons a lot but the problem is that we can't find much here especially for kids.

So my last advice to my local or residents crafty friends is to look aver Dubai wholesaler shops before proceeding any orders form Amazon, you will pay less and barging as much as you can for lots of stuff.

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